Monday, 22 November 2010

Cutting a pineapple with minimum wastage

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Originally uploaded by sianfitty
Fitty looking intently at our home stay lady cutting a pineapple, trying to learn.

Monkey Bridge

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Originally uploaded by sianfitty
Thankfully we did not have to cross one of these!!

Kids enjoying a swim

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Originally uploaded by sianfitty
Kids and adults are so friendly here.

Boy carrying all the rice paper out in to the sun for drying

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Originally uploaded by sianfitty
He gets a couple of glasses of milk if he can carry more than 7 layers.

Rice noodle factory

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Originally uploaded by sianfitty
They make a rice paste then steam it on a hot plate to make it look like this picture, then it is dried in the sun and chopped up to make noodles. Very tasty

Typical Vietnamese house on the Delta

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Originally uploaded by sianfitty
All en suite!!

oh and pig heads too

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Originally uploaded by sianfitty

This is the local land market

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Originally uploaded by sianfitty
Selling from baby ducklings to snakes as well as your bog standard fruit and veg.

Floating Market

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Originally uploaded by sianfitty
They tie fruit on to a big pole on their boat, to show what they are selling, it was not a beautiful floating market, but still an authentic trade market.

Frying up the spring rolls

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Originally uploaded by sianfitty
At our home stay

Typical method of transport for locals of the Mekong Delta

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Originally uploaded by sianfitty

Fresh spring rolls

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Originally uploaded by sianfitty
We were taught some Vietnamese home cooking, Yum

Mt Kinabalu Treks

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Originally uploaded by sianfitty
We did some of the Treks around Mt Kinabalu instead.

Mt Kinabalu

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Originally uploaded by sianfitty
We did not end up climbing in the end. Fitty was quite upset by this, not so much me :D

Saturday, 13 November 2010

Sian's photography is coming along nicely

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Originally uploaded by sianfitty

Enjoying the sunset on Mantanani Island

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Originally uploaded by sianfitty

Mantanani Island

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Originally uploaded by sianfitty
Just after the trauma of White Water Rafting, Fitty is feeling a lot more relaxed

Sian giggling

Originally uploaded by sianfitty
Fitty trying to escape at the worst possible time.

Sian still smilimg

Originally uploaded by sianfitty
Fitty got a good face full of water.

First rapid which was a grade 4

Originally uploaded by sianfitty
Sian was particularly scared before heading out almost did not do it but ended up loving it. Fitty on the other hand little bit scared then once we got going she remained petrified throughout.

Bumping in to 2 old friends

Originally uploaded by sianfitty
and look what they made us do!!

The snake we thought was a branch

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Originally uploaded by sianfitty
Not very big for our first sighting of a snake but Fitty said it still counts as scary as it was venomous.

hmm attractive

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Originally uploaded by sianfitty
This was Fitty on our trek through the jungle it was very muddy to say the least but awesome. Mud got to as high as the top of the attractive orange wellies and the water was leech infested. Luckily we also had our attractive leech socks. Really was not a day for fashion.

Kinabatangan River in Sabah

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Originally uploaded by sianfitty
This is where we went for our morning and afternoon boat trips to see wildlife. Corridor of life they called it.

View from our balcony

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Originally uploaded by sianfitty
In the waters behind Sian were crocodiles, we did not go for a swim!!

Kinabatangan River in Sabah

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Originally uploaded by sianfitty
We traveled for around 3 hours to get here. Fitty was very excited when she saw the hut, me on the other hand was not. Rustic to say the least. We were bitten all night long but worth it for the experience we had here.

Mother and child

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Originally uploaded by sianfitty
We watched these Orangutans from a viewing platform in Sepilok. Little baby poking out away from mummy briefly.


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Originally uploaded by sianfitty
This little man was having a whale of a time eating bananas

Welcome to Borneo

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Originally uploaded by sianfitty
This little girl was sat in the Entrance of the Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre just a 2 minute walk from our hotel.

The lights of Hong Kong Island

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Originally uploaded by sianfitty

Bamboo scaffolding

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Originally uploaded by sianfitty
It is amazing that even the 50+ storey buildings are still built using bamboo scaffolding.

Sian on the Star Ferry

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Originally uploaded by sianfitty
On our way to dinner on Kowloon, we passed on the webbed feet soup and had lovely Cantonese food instead.

Hong Kong Sky tower

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Originally uploaded by sianfitty
We arrived in Hong Kong and went up the Peak tram, Amazing views of the sky scrapers.